Monday, 4 June 2012

Mime it for the World!

I just heard today that the British orchestra organised to perform at the London Olympics Opening in a couple of weeks have been told that they are to mime playing their instruments to a previously done recording. The reasons for this put forward are that it is a big night and too risky to perform live to a crowd of millions on site and across the globe.

The musicians are understandable upset and against the idea. I myself am kind of outraged.

Now I could be slightly biased because I am a huge fan of the Olympics. I think mostly this is due to the tradition in my house of watching the Olympics and also because I really love seeing large groups of people getting together and just spreading love, cheer and pride in themselves and in one another. In addition to this, I am a strong believer in performing live. While I am not hostile or negative towards those who prefer to lipsync (like some artists shown below) – I do understand that entertaining and performing whilst trying to not die of lack of oxygen is incredibly difficult – I do think it is important to be genuine and give your all to your audience. To me they have paid money to see you live, to hear what you have to give. If you are known as a singer foremost, than you should sing for them.

(Chris Brown has received some criticism for his latest performance at the Billboard Awards)

The fact that these people want to perform and show the world their talent and passion and love of their country and art, but officials don’t want to chance a mistake that supposedly would blemish the evening is frustrating a step backwards for the art industry and the respect it depends. Because music and performing is an art form, one that rather than be celebrated in this event that is to showcase everything a country has to offer they are being stifled and overshadowed by competitiveness.

So I hope something can be done. Even if it doesn’t I still hold the utmost respect to the performers and know that it is probably harder on them than it is us.

Here are some amazing artists that have vowed to never lip-sync and sound fantastic live!

It's safe to say who I would pay to see live and who I wouldn't. Don't you agree?

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