Thursday, 22 March 2012

ICTs 123s

“Journalism is never done, just due.”

80% of journalists in today’s industry tweet.

I can understand this statistic. But even then, opening my first Twitter account was terrifying. I don’t particularly know why, but I always avoided Facebook and Twitter. In fact, the Facebook account I have now (which I’ve had for maybe 6 months now?) was created by my best friend and a total surprise to/for me. I just logged into my email one day and saw nearly a hundred emails from Facebook and checked my phone to see I had a text message saying that I now had a Facebook account, my password, and that I was welcomed. At the time I was shocked numb. Nowadays I really admire the genius behind social networks such as Facebook. (That’s the thing about me, I don’t like much at face value, I like the ideas and concepts behind it – like KONY 2012 which I will discuss in a later blog).

So, yes, I got used to Facebook. And I’m sure I’ll get the hang of Twitter one way or another. But am I the only one who finds it striking that in one week I had to start up a new email, a Twitter account and a blog? To do a uni course? I have no qualms with this; I just find it fascinating the way society has changed, and journalism in effect.
My media production and particiaption has definitely increased due to this course. Here's my very own pictorial demonstration of how!
This is excluding actual numbers. For example, the number of 'friends' I have on Facebook has nearly doubled. The fact I have followers at all on Twitter. The fact I go on Facebook and Twitter every day is absolutely shocking for me. Such habits have been honed into me thanks to this course, and I for one am not complaining. It's more fun than I ever could have imagined!

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